FAQ | Golden Teatox | Golden Teatox

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The Golden Teatox is the Number 1 Weight Loss Program that helps you get the body you want in just 28 Days

Does Golden Teatox have any side effects?

Zero is the only answer. The Golden Teatox is made up of 100% organic herbs that insure 0 side effects.

How does Golden Teatox work?

The Golden Teatox: 

  • Boosts your metabolism
  • Burns x3 more calories
  • Reduces bloating & appetite
  • Burns Body Fat
  • Energizes your body
  • Cleanse your body from toxins

How is it consumed?

The morning tea is consumed 15 minutes before breakfast and the night tea is consumed every day before bed.
For full Instructions go to the instructions page.

How can I buy the Golden Teatox?

The Golden Teatox is Available Worldwide. We Deliver anywhere using express shipping. To order please visit the Shop page.

How do we contact a specialist?

Our specialists are available 24/7 on Instagram & Facebook or Press Here to contact one of our specialists through WhatsApp.

How do I join the affiliate program?

To become our official Reseller or Affiliate please contact us on  Instagram.